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"And today, as each day at the end of her toil, Viola strolls the well‑worn, narrow path through bursting fields of gold, down past overgrown patches of briar and sumac to the edge of the oak glen and beyond.  She makes her way ceremoniously through the shaded wood, whose rocky soils surrender to honey‑textured sand and pebble, and fragments of shell and driftwood and bone.  And it is here, every day, where Viola waits."

~ from Viola in Waiting

Follow 40-year-old Viola Thompson as she lives a solitary life in rural Bay Port, Michigan at the cusp of the 20th Century. A journey encompassing a tender love of the land on her childhood homestead... isolation as an outcast in her community... a romantic encounter with a Civil War Veteran... and her eventual descent into darkness.

Viola in Waiting is a beautifully written historical literary journey full of bittersweet lyrical prose and melancholic undertones.  Sweet, compelling and dark - a novel which immediately captivates.

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